Sheldon: Ah, back so soon, Penny? This time for the ACCRINTM function, I presume?

Penny: Yep, you guessed it. What's the deal with ACCRINTM now?

Sheldon: Ah, the ACCRINTM function! It's like ACCRINT's less complicated sibling. While ACCRINT calculates accrued interest up to a given settlement date, ACCRINTM calculates the interest accrued from the issue date up to the maturity date.

Penny: Maturity date? Like when it grows up?

Sheldon: Haha, in a way, yes! The maturity date is when the bond "grows up" and you get back your principal amount. It's essentially the date the bond expires, and you receive your original investment back along with any final interest payments.

Penny: Got it. So, how do I use this ACCRINTM thing?

Sheldon: The formula is simpler compared to ACCRINT. It looks like this in Excel:

=ACCRINTM(issue, maturity, rate, par, [basis])
  • issue: The date the bond was issued.
  • maturity: The date when the bond matures.
  • rate: The annual interest rate of the bond.
  • par: The par or face value of the bond.
  • [basis]: An optional argument, representing the day-count basis to use.

Penny: So, let me get this straight. ACCRINT is for any date, and ACCRINTM is just for when the bond matures?

Sheldon: Exactly, you're getting the hang of it. ACCRINTM is specialized for the maturity date, while ACCRINT is for any settlement date you're curious about.

Penny: Awesome, thanks Sheldon!

Sheldon: You're welcome, Penny. Ah, financial literacy, the gift that keeps on giving, like a bond but with a far higher yield of personal satisfaction.