(Note: This is a fictional story and should not be attributed to Billy Crystal or any other real individuals.)

Ladies and Gentlemen!

How's everyone doing tonight? You know, people ask me all the time, "Billy, what do you think about Microsoft Excel?" And I tell 'em, "Oh, Excel? It's like the dad jeans of the software world. It's not hip, it's not cool, but boy, does it get the job done!"

Ah, Excel.

The software that single-handedly keeps accountants and middle managers in business, am I right? If you love numbers more than your spouse, Excel is your match.com. Now, let's talk about a little thing called AVEDEV.

AVEDEV, Smooth Jazz for Numbers

AVEDEV, sounds like the name of a smooth jazz radio station. "You're listening to AVEDEV, all deviations, all the time." What this magical function does, my friends, is that it calculates the average deviation of a set of values from their mean. "The mean" – not your high school gym teacher, no. The mean as in the mathematical average.

Let's Break It Down

  1. First, we find the mean. Add 'em up: 90 + 85 + 88 + 92 + 87 = 442
  2. Divide by the number of scores: 442 / 5 = 88.4. That's your mean score. Not bad, eh?
  3. Now, to find the deviation for each score, we subtract the mean and take the absolute value. So:
    • |90 - 88.4| = 1.6
    • |85 - 88.4| = 3.4
    • |88 - 88.4| = 0.4
    • |92 - 88.4| = 3.6
    • |87 - 88.4| = 1.4
  4. Finally, we average those deviations: (1.6 + 3.4 + 0.4 + 3.6 + 1.4) / 5 = 2.08

That’s your AVEDEV: 2.08. In Excel, you just type =AVEDEV(90, 85, 88, 92, 87) and boom! It's like having a pocket protector without the nerd cred.

Why Should You Care?

So why should you care about AVEDEV? Let's say you're comparing your golf game to your friend's. If you both have the same average score but your AVEDEV is lower, it means you're more consistent. And consistency, my friends, is how you win—not just in golf, but in life and love. Just ask any married couple!


Alright, I gotta run, folks. I have a hot date with a spreadsheet! Be kind, be good, and remember: AVEDEV is just an Excel function, but love is the ultimate deviation.