Clint Eastwood: (Slams a laptop on a wooden table, cigar clenched between teeth, squinting his eyes) Charlie, sit down. We're gonna talk about something called Microsoft Excel, specifically a function called ASC.

Charlie Sheen: (Slurring words, holding a bottle of tequila) Haha, Excel? Man, I've been "excelling" in life for years! What's it to ya, Clint?

Clint Eastwood: (Grimacing) You might've been "excelling," but you clearly haven't been using Excel. Now pay attention. The ASC function converts a full-width character in a cell to a half-width character. Understand?

Charlie Sheen: Full-width, half-width? Dude, the room is spinning in circles. There's no "width" to talk about!

Clint Eastwood: (Takes a deep breath, exhaling cigar smoke) Lord help me. Listen, if you got a cell in Excel with a full-width character—usually something that takes up more space than a regular character—the ASC function shrinks it down. Makes it half-width. You're taking up less space, like it or not.

Charlie Sheen: So, it's like when I went from two and a half men to just being the one and only Charlie Sheen? Epic downgrade, if you ask me.

Clint Eastwood: (Rolls eyes) Yeah, sure. Think of it that way. Here's an example. Say you've got the full-width character "A" in cell A1. You use =ASC(A1), and it turns that "A" into a regular, half-width "A". Got it?

Charlie Sheen: (Takes a swig of tequila) Ah, turning "A" into "A"? Haha, man, that's the kind of transformation I'm talkin' about! I was "C" and now I'm just "C"! Winning!

Clint Eastwood: (Leans in, locking eyes with Charlie) I swear, if you say "winning" one more time...

Charlie Sheen: Alright, alright, I get it. So, this ASC thing is like the director telling an actor to take up less space on the set. Less drama, less width.

Clint Eastwood: (Nods, slightly less agitated) That's about the long and short of it. Now, you think you can remember this or should I write it down and staple it to your forehead?

Charlie Sheen: No need for stapling, Dirty Harry. This is locked up in the vault. (Taps his head)

Clint Eastwood: (Puts out cigar, closes laptop) Well, good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got better things to do than teach spreadsheet functions to a man who thinks life is one big sitcom.

Charlie Sheen: (Raises bottle) Here's to living life in half-width then! Cheers, cowboy!

Clint Eastwood: (Walks away, muttering) Only half-width? Some people don't even take up that much.